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How to Quote on Reddit App and Website in 2 Minutes

Highlight your comment or reply by quoting it on Reddit.

Reddit is a popular social media platform that is used as a forum to ask questions. You can ask questions and post on Reddit. The Reddit users will answer your questions and you can discuss them in the comments sections as well. While discussing, you might sometimes be required to quote someone’s comments or posts and reply to them. Quoting on Reddit is easy to do a task and you can easily quote on Reddit using your smartphone app or the website. When you quote a comment or question on Reddit, it will appear with a grey line in front of it.

How to Quote on Reddit: Simplest Way

If you want to quote someone on Reddit, the simplest way is to copy the text and click the Reply button.

(1) Go to the comment that you want to quote to.

(2) Select the part of the comment or all and click the Reply button.

(3) The selected text will appear as quotes. Now, you can write your reply.

Note: This method is not available in the Reddit smartphone app.

How to Quote in Reddit Website on Windows/Mac/Linux

You can easily quote on the Reddit website with the below in-built options.

(1) Open the browser on your computer and go to the Reddit website and log in with your credentials.

(2) Open the post in which you want to insert a quote.

(3) Now go to the Comment section and find the comment in which you want to post a quote.

Note: It is possible to quote original post content as well and you can find it at the top of the thread.

(4) Select the comment that you want to quote and copy it.

(5) Now, click on the Reply button and select the More icon.

Click on More icon

(6) You will find the Quote icon under the more option. Click on it.

How to Quote on Reddit?

(7) A grey line will appear on the reply section. Now paste your comment and click on the Reply button.

How to Quote on Reddit?

You can quote your own text as well. By following the above method, you can quote on the website. Quoting on Reddit is simple, like hyperlinking a text on Reddit.

How to Quote in Reddit App

You can also quote on the Reddit app on your mobile as well. There is no quote icon like you see on the website. But you can still quote with the following steps:

(1) Open the Reddit app on your Smartphone (Android/iPhone) and log in to your account.

(2) Go to the post that your want to quote.

Click on comments button

(3) Tap the Comment icon or the Reply icon.

Add a comment

(4) Add the Quote line with “>” greater than sign at the beginning.

How to Quote on Reddit?
> Reddit

The above text will appear as


By following the above method, your text will appear as a quote on your app. If you are using the Reddit website, you can follow the first method or use the second method on your app. If you want, you can format the text on Reddit by using special characters. For bold text, type the text in between two asterisks. (**bold**).


1. How do you quote a Reddit post on the app?

On the Create a post menu, click the Quotes Block icon. Now, you will see a small indentation on the text box. This will allow you to quote something on Reddit.

2. Can you quote in Reddit mobile?

Yes, you can quote a comment or post on the Reddit smartphone app. By using the app, you can also edit the Reddit post.

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