Reddit is the most popular social sharing website where you can share links, pictures, text, news and find out various posts and contents. You can vote others post and vice versa. The most upvoted content will be shown on the top whereas the down-voted contents are away from instant visibility. Reddit is one of the most widely used websites which is divided into thousands of smaller categories called subreddits. You need to create an account with the Reddit to get all the subreddits you like. You are required to provide Email ID, Username and password to create the Reddit account. In this guide, we will see how to change the Reddit username.
Is It Possible to Change the Reddit Username?
No, it is not possible to modify the username of your Reddit account which you already created. Once the username is chosen, it remains a unique and constant one. You will not be allowed to change or modify it. Your username will be stored along with your registered email id and if you forgot your username, you can get it from your registered email id.
How to Change the Reddit Display Name?
Reddit display name is the one which is shown to all other peoples on Reddit. The Username is unique but the display name can be anything. It can be changed any number of times with any name you like. There is no difficulty in modifying the display name as it is a very simple and easy task.
(1) Open the browser on your computer and visit

(2) Click on the Login button on the top of the Reddit home page.

(3) Enter your Reddit username and password, then click Sign In.

(4) Once logged in, click on your username and select User settings from the drop-down list.

(5) Under user settings page choose the Profile option.
(6) It will display your profile information. Here you can edit your display name and save your Reddit account with the new display name.

Techowns Tip: How to Delete Reddit Account?
How to Create a New Username?
It is not possible to change the existing Username on Reddit account. You may create a new account with any username you like. The new account can be created with the same email ID which is already registered with Reddit. You can keep both the account Usernames with the same email account.
Our Opinion
As Reddit considers username as your identity to log in to your account, it does not allow users to change it. Each Reddit username is unique and you can choose one which is not already used by others. The username is different from the display name and you can change the display name of Reddit anytime you want.
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