If you are a fan of HBO contents, then HBO NOW is a must-have streaming service. It will give instant access to all the HBO originals like movies, news, comedy, documentaries, and more. HBO NOW is also the home to several award-winning series. It is a subscription-based service and the users can cancel the subscription at any time. Although it features the same library as that of HBO GO, it still stands unique. In other words, HBO NOW is unlike HBO GO as the former requires no sign up with the television provider like the latter. You need not rely on cable to stream HBO NOW contents. Because HBO NOW is standalone and lets its users watch it on favourite devices. Here in this guide, you will get to know more in detail about installing HBO NOW on Firestick.
HBO NOW Plans & Pricing
HBO is free and the new users will get a free trial. After which the user will need to get the in-app purchases. Its subscription is available at $14.99/month and you can pay it to stream without any limits.
Is HBO NOW Available Globally?
No. HBO NOW is currently accessible only in the US and certain US territories. If you are outside the specified region, then you need to have a VPN or web proxy to use HBO NOW on Firestick and on any device. Get a VPN for Firestick to begin streaming with HBO NOW.
How to Get HBO NOW on Firestick?
Firestick users can get HBO NOW directly from the Amazon App Store. Here is the guidelines to install it on Fire TV.
(1). Power on the Firestick using the remote.
(2). Select the Search icon (magnifier) from the top left corner.
(3). Use on-screen keys to type as HBO NOW.
(4). Highlight and select HBO NOW from the suggestions.
(5). Tap on Get or Download to install HBO NOW on Firestick.
(6). Wait for the download and then click Open button to launch it.
How to Activate HBO NOW on Firestick?
Any apps including HBO NOW needs to be activated inorder to use its features on Firestick.
(1). Launch HBO NOW on FireTV by navigating to My Apps & Games section.
(2). Choose Activate your device option to get an activation code.
(3). Visit https://activate.hbonow.com using a browser on your PC.
(4). Provide the activation code as shown on FireTV and press Next button.

(5). If prompted, enter the login credentials of HBO NOW and tap on Sign In. Else, click on Start your Free Trail to create a HBO NOW account.

(6). Firestick will refresh automatically and you can start streaming HBO NOW.
How to Cancel HBO NOW Subscription on Firestick?
If you want to cancel HBO NOW subscription, then the steps given below will help you out with it.
(1). Launch a browser on Firestick and visit Amazon.com.
(2). Enter login details to get into your Amazon account.
(3). Hover to Membership and Subscriptions section.
(4). Select Other Subscriptions and then click Appstore Subscription.

(5). Click to turn off auto renewal for HBO NOW.
To conclude
That’s all. We have covered all the necessary information to access HBO NOW on Firestick. Get it and start streaming your favourite contents like movies or shows right on your home.
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