There are many cryptocurrency mining software programs available both for Windows and Linux. However, some have better features, fewer fees, or work better on certain GPUs. Today we will look into the TOP 5 mining software programs to use in 2021 for both AMD and Nvidia GPUs.
Please note that over time, the best miners can change as they deploy new updates and patches and also new features. Remember that all mentioned mining software, and many more, are available on our Mining OS – Simple Mining!
Best Nvidia Miners
At this moment, there is a big selection of miners for Nvidia GPUs. However, only a few of them stand out for their features and stability.
Currently, one of the best miners is Nbminer, which is working hard on unlocking Nvidia LHR GPUs. Just a few days ago, there was a release of a new version of Nbminer that allows the series 30 that are locked, also known as LHR (light hash rate), to pump the hashrate up to 35% on some cards. Right now, we can observe, for example, the 3060 TI, going from 30mhs to 40mhs. The 3070 TI can achieve 50mhs, and the 3080 TI unlocked can get up to 80mhs.
Although this update doesn’t make the Nvidia locked GPUs much better than before, we believe that it is only a matter of time and more updates that we will be able to see a much larger hashrate on all these GPUs.
While choosing Nbminer, it’s important to remember that this miner has a development fee of 1% for Ethereum mining and is supported all Linux and Windows versions. It can also mine other coins, such as ERGO, RVN, or Beam, and a few smaller ones.

T-Rex miner
One of the best Nvidia miners is T-Rex because it was created to only support Nvidia GPUs. It does not support AMD cards, although it can be used with green GPUs on both Linux and Windows.
With the focus on Nvidia GPUs, T-Rex miner can really bring out the best hashrate on most of the cards, such as 1080 that can mine at up to 35mhs and 1080 TI up to 48mhs.
If you have older Nvidia cards that were bought before 2021, this is one of the best miners you can use. It’s only surpassed by Nbminer, because of its unlocks for the newer models that light hashrate limiter.
T-Rex can mine over 30 algorithms, including the more popular ones such as Kawpow, ERG, MTP, and has a dev fee of 1% all around, even on Ethash.
Now that we looked at the current best two options for Nvidia cards, let’s show some love to the red cards also.

As the name says, Team Red Miner is a miner made just for the red cards, also known as AMD. This miner will only work for these GPUs, so if you have a mixed rig of green and red, it won’t work.
Teamredminer is a very stable miner, consisting of a lot of features, including exclusive unlocks for AMD VII or GPUs that can reach over 108Mhs if used properly, something we have not seen yet with any other miner.
Teamredminer is also a very optimized miner for Navi GPUs, such as 5700 and 5700XT, as it allows to use of a much lower core in the overclock panel while having a high hashrate and, at the same time, lower power consumption. This miner also contains a very detailed guide on how to get the most of your Vega GPUs, another model of AMD cards that is highly optimized using this miner and that can’t be found in other miners. Teamredminer has a dev fee of 1% of ethash and 0.75% if you have Polaris, for example, 580s cards. It can also mine other algorithms, such as Kawpow, lyra2rev3, MTP, and many others.

One of the reasons lolminer stands out is its ability to give cards a new life, as it happened in late 2020 when 4 GB cards stopped mining Ethereum due to the lag and being over 4 GB size. When that happened, around the Christmas season, lolminer developer launched an update that allowed older GPUs with not enough memory size to continue mining Ethereum at a reduced hashrate.
This allowed miners with 4 GB cards to mine Ethereum for another four to five months, which brought a lot of coins to their wallets, as the mining profitability skyrocketed due to the high price in dollars.
Another feature lolminer brought, was the ability to plug a GPU even with 4Gb of memory directly into the motherboard and allow it to mine at almost its full potential, for example, 30mhs in the case of a 470,570 or 580 series. This miner was also the first one to unlock the 3060 LHR GPU first revision, going from 25mh to up to 39mhs in Linux, without plugging the cards directly into the motherboard or having to use an HDMI plug.
Lolminer has a dev fee of 0.7% on Ethereum and can mine other algorithms such as Cuckoo 29,31,32, and Autolokys.

All these miners have been tested by us over a prolonged period of time and have been stable and mining without any problems. That is why, in our opinion, these are the four best miners that you can use to mine crypto in 2021.
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